the general commercial auto insurance

Commercial Auto Insurance Info

Commercial vehicles require special insurance and higher liability limits. The concept behind commercial auto insurance is essentially the same as that of passenger insurance with the exception that business owners have more assets to protect, and consequently require higher liability limits.

Business liability or commercial liability auto insurance provides strong coverage that will prevent loss due to lawsuits and small claims damages sought against your company due to any employee that has an accident in a company vehicle, or while using mounted equipment that is attached to that vehicle.

We cover almost every type of vehicle, including tractor-trailers. That means we also sell trucking liability insurance and non-trucking liability or bobtail insurance. When it comes to trucks we know that your rig is a home, a business partner, and your ride. We sell only the best and most affordable commercial auto insurance on the market. We make it our business to be professional in what we do so that you can save money being professional at what you do. Click on any get quotes now button to be redirected to our free commercial auto insurance quotes page. Otherwise, you may call our toll-free commercial auto insurance quote line below:

the general commercial auto insurance

Specialized Commercial Auto Insurance Options

On-Hook Or Towing Liability

This commercial auto insurance option is for the people who have tow trucks or often drive their truck or vehicle with a trailer attached. On-hook and towing liability are synonyms for insurance that protects other parties from damages you may cause while towing, as well as protecting you from paying for any damages sustained by the vehicle being towed during transport. Towing liability insurance is a must-have for tow-truck operators because of the huge risk being posed to a vehicle that is being towed. We provide free quotes on towing and on-hook liability insurance policies, and we can get anybody signed up for this excellent coverage in as little as ten minutes. Click on the button below or call our free commercial auto insurance hotline at

1-800-771-7758 to get free quotes on towing liability auto insurance. We also offer other specialized commercial insurance options like storage liability and no-fault liability insurance for commercial vehicles. Call today or click below to learn more.

Trucking Insurance Information, Sales & Quotes trucking insurance from SkyBlue insurance provides liabilitycollision, and comprehensive auto insurance for a tractor-trailer or commercial trucking vehicle.

 There are several different types of trucking insurance available on most models of truck and we sell all three of those common types: Owner Operator InsuranceMotor Carrier Insurance, and private carrier Insurance. Trucking insurance is an all-around commercial or trucking auto insurance policy that will protect the truck driver from liability as well as property damage to his or her rig and cargo.

If you cause bodily injury to anyone while on a haul or property damage to any vehicle or your cargo- our top-of-the-line trucking insurance has got you covered. Please note however that The General does not provide trucking insurance quotes and we will instead deliver you quotes from our other commercial auto insurance brands. Trucking insurance provides specialized insurance options based on the type of vehicle, attached equipment, and other factors. To learn more about which type of trucking insurance is most appropriate for your vehicle please call us on our toll-free commercial auto insurance hot-line at 1-800-771-7758, or click on the get quotes button below to be redirected to our free commercial auto insurance quotes page.

Commercial liability auto insurance is required in every state. Chances are that if you are using any vehicle for business purposes you should purchase a commercial liability insurance policy. Liability insurance for your commercial vehicle provides higher liability limits to cover the extra risks you face while performing your duties as a … Whatever you are.

We sell commercial auto insurance from multiple brand-name auto insurance carriers. We can get you the lowest rates on commercial auto insurance to meet state requirements and prevent you from being sued in the event of an accident.

When we can get you free quotes on commercial auto insurance in just a few minutes that will save you thousands of dollars in losses, there’s no reason not to call our free quote hot-line or click on the button below to get a great deal on a commercial liability auto insurance policy in just ten minutes and be that much more confident in your ability to meet your customer’s expectations without any mishaps or costly accidents.

We can connect any of our customers with a robust commercial auto insurance policy for any make or model of vehicle in just ten minutes with a low down payment and affordable monthly premiums.

We know that people make money in everything from Volvos to monster trucks so please don’t hesitate to call the SkyBlue commercial auto insurance hotline at 1-800-771-7758 with any questions you may have about a commercial auto insurance policy for whatever vehicle you drive.

We can get you free quotes instantly and hook you up with an affordable commercial liability auto insurance policy that meets all state bodily injury and property damage liability limits in just 10 minutes. Call or click on the button below to visit our free commercial auto insurance quotes page.

Basic Commercial Vehicle Insurance

Auto Insurance Terms to Know

We have listed some of the most commonly used auto insurance terms and their definitions.

Commercial vs. Personal Auto Insurance

If you use your car for work, including transportation of equipment, we show you what is The General Commercial Car Insurance.

Auto Insurance Explained

Keep in mind that minimum coverage will not protect you like some of the more extensive coverage options.

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Phone: (800) 771 – 7758
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